Pinzo's Book Review

Posted by dannyp on 4/08/2009 10:49:00 PM in , , , , , , , ,

Here are some great reads I have stumbled across lately.

Spider-man Handbook
Superman Handbook
Batman Handbook
-these are all funny to read because they allow readers to experience all the comic book excitement and teach them the necessary skills to become a super hero

The C.S. Lewis Space Trilogy
Book 1 -Out of the silent planet - a space travel to Mars where the main character discovers one of man's flaws in respecting the superior creature
Book 2 - Perelandra - space travel to Venus where the main character faces temptation and learns how to defeat it.
Book 3 - That hideous strength - I havent read it yet but it should be great, set on earth and it deals with the national Institute of Coordinated Experiments.

Graphic Novels include, y the last man: unmasked (volume 1), the watchmen (read before seeing the film), v for vendetta (same) and the killing joke (the last three were written by Allan Moore).

In comic books, the ongoing Ed Brubaker series of Captain America is getting better as Bucky took over as Cap and is facing his past. Wolverine Origins has hit an all time high as Wolverine faces his son, dakin, in hand to hand combat.

Ok that should be good for a first book review.




The real question is whether or not Bucky can be the hero which America idolizes; the one the people looked to and saw the manifestation of moral truths, and the absolute righteousness of character; an embodiment of the traditional American spirit in a single man. The gun has replaced the shield but maybe this is a different Captain for a different America.

very insightful

i believe that you last point is exactly what brubaker is trying to hit. This could also relate to the american president now too, that a different US president was needed for a different USA.

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